Residential Property Management
RealSampatti allows you to manage residential properties and its operations such as for apartments, condominiums, and houses.
- Automated lease and rent management
- Maintenance tracking and scheduling
- Real-time financial reporting
- Tenant communication portals
- Integrated payment processing
- Improved efficiency and productivity
- More accurate financial reporting
- Streamlined tenant communication
- Increased tenant satisfaction and retention
- Faster rent payments and fee processing
- Helpdesk Support
Commercial Property Management
RealSampatti allows the management and maintenance of buildings or properties that are used for commercial purposes, such as office buildings, shopping centers, and industrial complexes.
Automated lease and rent management
- Maintenance tracking and scheduling
- Real-time financial reporting
- Tenant communication portals
- Integrated payment processing
Streamlined lease and rent management
Improved maintenance and repair tracking
More accurate financial reporting
Efficient tenant communication
- Faster rent payments and fee processing
- Helpdesk Support
Community Property Management
RealSampatti allows the management of common areas and shared amenities in a community, such as a homeowners' association (HOA), condominium association, or apartment complex.
Automated dues management
Document management
Maintenance tracking and scheduling
Real-time financial reporting
- Homeowner communication portals
Integrated payment processing
Streamlined dues and assessment management
Improved document management and organization
Efficient maintenance and repair tracking
More accurate financial reporting
- Enhanced homeowner communication and engagement
Faster payment processing and fee collection